The last cover page has an interesting article about state birds for various states of India. Which country have invented the postcard?.What is dandruff and why it appears? How anti-dandruff shampoo deals with it?.Why the stringed musical instruments like Veena (lute), Sitar, Tamburo (a turkish guitar with 4 strings) and others have bowl made from gourd at one end?.Why the shoes start shining after you brush it using a towel (or brush) after polishing them?.Why the water is grow in size when converted into ice, while all the other elements shrunk when getting colder?.How the corp of Shingoda (kind of acquatic plant, trapa bispinosa.) is taken?.What is the difference between Tortoise and Turtle?.

The Amber itself is rare to find and difficult to get. Published in earlier issue of Safari as well, the article about – The Amber Room – is written by Nagendra Vijay, a famous writer who is known for his writing skills as well as vast knowledge and research.

We love treasures and reading about it, right? The Amber Room (aka Catherine Palace) is thus the point of interest for a lot of people since many years.